The Inn at the Top: Tales of Life at the Highest Pub in BritainThe delightful tale of a young couple who in the late 1970s, on impulse, became the new landlords of the most remote, bleak and lonely pub - The Tan Hill Inn - located in the desolate landscape of the Yorkshire Dales. Having seen an article in the newspaper about the pub's search for a new manager, they arrived just three weeks later as the new landlords of the The Tan Hill Inn. It is a wild, wind-swept place, set alone in a sea of peat bog and heather moorland that stretches unbroken as far as the eye can see. With only sheep and grouse for company, their closest neighbour was four miles away and the nearest town twelve. They had no experience of licensed trade or running a pub, no knowledge of farming and a complete inability to understand the dialect of the sheep farmers who were their local customers. Eager, well-meaning, but in over their heads, our two heroes embarked on a disaster-strewn career that somehow also turned into a lifelong love affair with the Dales. The Inn at the Top is an entertaining ramble around the Inn, the breath-taking Dales countryside and a remarkable array of local characters, giving an insight into life in a very different different time and place.Dimensions: 19.56 x 12.95 x 2.54 centimetres (0.32 kg)1970年代後半の衝動的な若いカップルの楽しい話は、ヨークシャーデールズの荒涼とした風景に位置する、最も遠隔で寂しくて孤独なパブのThe Tan Hill Innの新しい家主になりました。
新しいマネージャーのパブの検索についての新聞の記事を見て、彼らはTan Hill Innの新しい家主としてわずか3週間後に到着した。
寸法:19.56 x 12.95 x 2.54センチメートル(0.32 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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